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Our Story


my story

Hi my name is Karen Kahan and i am the CEO and founder of Yehudity.

Yehuditys story started out of a self need, and here’s how it  goes..

My husband and I met at the age of 16 in Bnei Akiva in Israel.

Throughout the years before we got married he’d mentioned (disappointedly) that he knew that one day I would  cover my hair.

Years flew by, we got married, had four beautiful boys b”h, in the midst of life …

Since I was a  teenager ,  I always felt Hashem was  with me, and that I was never alone.

I would walk back home from Bnei Akiva gatherings on Friday Nights by myself ;and in order to make a shortcut I had to walk on a train track ( not working and servicing on Friday in Israel ) 

The train track was surrounded by trees and bushes both sides dark besides the moonlight. Creepy!!! 

I get the chills when I think about it right now. I would never do it nowadays. But I did many times whenever a slight slither of fear would slip into my heart automatically I would look up at the sky see the beautiful moon in and say Shema Yisrael and start talking to HaShem. “I know you love me, I know you guide me, etc.,” Tatian and the fair we just melt away.

I have tons of EMUNAH and real NISSIM and  miracles I have experience and witness throughout my life.

But that was my route and what guided me in all of us and downs in life. So Baruch HaShem I got this present and grew in and out with it.

And with more asking, studying, practicing, listening, and digging and experiencing Hashem stronger and stronger, many changes happen in different areas of my life.

And …. My husband wasn’t wrong…

 Sam has very creative ways to doing anything and everything in our lives. And most of all to bring us closer to HIM.

 We just need to have the will (רצון). 

On ‏ראש חודש אלול  2022 I started fully to cover my hair B”H!

‏״במקום שאדם רוצה ללכת מולכין אותו״

Literally four days after one night I started thinking about the hats, it felt like downloads from HaShem flowing through me…

The name, the different designs, even how to sew it, different people for different roles in the company… Everything just flew through me.

I had different business ideas over the years, this time it was different.

I knew it’s a shame that’s guiding me to bring it out to Bnot Yisrael.

It’s Hashem‘s company.

It’s your company.

And then it’s my girls teams in mine.

After all that being said, it's really important that YOU will know that here at Yehudity,we are dedicatedeffort to make it easier, convenient, chic, and stylish to cover your hair and love it and yourself.

Always remember:

We came to this world to bring Elisheva’s will and purpose ( in creating this world), in various ways, through talk actions speech thinking good and positive knowing you are unstoppable just being Hashem‘s daughter encouraging speech love unity kind words action take actions of class and not just ours but also for yourself.

One last thing and we say this is your company, we really mean it.

Our mission is for you to love and manage your hair covering easier than ever for that reason we wanted to create a integrated platform for everyone to share their stories with us on our blog… 

Share your experience with our products Commons improvements and suggestions we are so excited to receive!